Volunteering at CBSAA Events
We welcome all volunteers to join our special occasions to meet new friends and serve the community. Here are a list or regular events scheduled each school year:
Orientation – for new incoming students.
Volunteers can:
lead campus tours following Orientation talk,
answer questions about HK, campus life and CBS program,
help with catering during breaks.
Mixer Party – this very popular social event each Fall provides an opportunity for old and new students and teachers to meet informally to exchange stories about life in the CBS Program. Volunteers help with hosting, organizing speakers, catering.
Graduation Dinner – annual dinner gathering to honour current graduates from MBS, MPhil and PhD degrees of CBS. Volunteers needed to help with organizing, decorations and hosting.
Chinese New Year temple visit – this day of meditation practice with dharma talk is a favourite on the calendar. Volunteers help with registration and organizing transportation.
Study Trips – like to travel and learn new things with like-minded people? Volunteering to help facilitate Study Trips in the Fall and Spring term breaks may be something for you.
Meditation Retreat – the annual retreat provides a special opportunity to spend 3-5 days of contemplative silence with an experienced dharma teacher offering guidance. Volunteers help with registration and queries from participants to facilitate the ease of their retreat stay.
For more information, please contact CBSAA: cbsaahku@gmail.com

Mentorship Programmes
“We believe that graduation is never an end of the relationship between our alumni and the Centre.”
We welcome Alumni that are interested in mentoring current students to assist in their learning experience at CBS. Mentors may help answer questions about academic studies, lifestyle and perhaps “What next?” after graduation.
For more information, please contact Amy: yuth@hku.hk or CBS: buddhism@hku.hk

Committees of the Alumni Association
Alumni interested to join the Executive Committee?
Our voluntary team consists of highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals that are passionate and dedicated to contribute to the CBS alumni community.
For more information, please contact CBSAA: cbsaahku@gmail.com

Writing for Newsletter
Please join our website team if you would like to get involved with contributions to the CBSAA newsletter.
For more information, please contact CBSAA: cbsaahku@gmail.com

Textual Study Groups
Have you graduated from the CBS program and wish to continue more scholarly work?
These study groups will begin voluntary work on short suttas under the supervision of Abbot Venerable Jing Yin of Po Lin Monastery (former Director of CBS) and a research team from Nanjing University. The work will include research, information collection, drafting of materials, etc. Through developing expertise in the sutta project, group members could potentially become online “tutors” for future online education programmes in each sutta.
This programme is sponsored and led by the Po Lin Monastery as part of a pioneering initiative for online education to teach Buddhist classics.
For more information, please contact CBSAA: cbsaahku@gmail.com

Meal Offering Programme for HKU CBS Monastic Students
Objective - To provide meal subsidy to qualified monastic students of the Centre of Buddhist Studies (CBS) of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) so as to help them maintain good health and proper nourishment.
Background - Offering food is one of the oldest and most common rituals of Buddhism. The food offering to monks is considered as a practice of generosity that the historical Buddha initiated some 2,600 years ago. Lay practitioners acquire merits through providing monks the necessities of life.
With the high cost of living in Hong Kong, the cost of daily expenses becomes a burden on the limited budgets of many of the CBS monastic students. As a result, many of them may eat less, or reduce the quality of their nutrition intake which may affect their overall health and studies.
The Centre of Buddhist Studies Alumni Association (CBSAA) and Hong Kong Society of Dharma Supporters Limited (HKSDS) have caringly initiated a “Meal Offering Programme for HKU CBS Monastic Students”. The Centre of Buddhist Studies is pleased to note that CBSAA and HKSDS have organized this Programme for the monastic students.
In the Meal Offering Plan, donation could be made to fund meal vouchers to be used by monastic students at participating restaurants.
For more information, please contact CBSAA: cbsaahku@gmail.com

Speaker Series
How are the Buddhist teachings applied in daily life?
What impact on society stems from Buddhist inspiration?
Who are the leaders making a difference today?
This exciting potential new collaboration with Po Lin Monastery and other organisation will introduce a Speaker Series in live, and video platforms to explore relevant topics in the world around us. We intend to invite inspiring speakers from the fields of arts, culture, business, medicine environmental, media, education and social sciences to give talks and presentations about their applications and visions for a more balanced and sustainable society.
Interested to join the working committee for this new project?
For more information, please contact CBSAA: cbsaahku@gmail.com